Breast Face Makeovers

Aesthetic Genital Plastic Surgery

Overview There are a variety of aesthetic female genital plastic surgery procedures that can improve appearance and reduce discomfort. These procedures include hymenoplasty (repair of the hymen), labiaplasty (repair of the outer hair bearing lips or the labia majora, the inner lips called the labia minora)  ,  clitoral hood reduction, monsplasty and vaginoplasty. The most common surgery is Labiaplasty which reduces the […]

Breast Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Breast Lift Surgery/Breast Reduction (Mastopexy) Rediscover a youthful, perky, and balanced breast profile with a Breast Lift procedure, one of the most commonly performed breast surgeries today. A breast lift rejuvenates the breasts by removing excess skin, tightening tissues, and enhancing their shape and position. It also addresses areolar enlargement, restoring a natural and proportionate […]

Breast Breast Lift

Breast Lift (Correction of a Sag)

Breast Lift: Restoring Youthful Confidence with Dr. Aditya A Breast Lift, also known as Mastopexy, is a popular procedure designed to restore the youthful shape, firmness, and symmetry of the breasts. By removing excess skin and tightening surrounding tissues, this surgery rejuvenates the breast profile and corrects areolar enlargement. It’s especially effective for addressing sagging […]

Breast Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation (Implants & Others)

Breast Augmentation: Redefining Confidence with Dr. Aditya Breast Augmentation, popularly known as a “Boob Job,” is a transformative procedure designed to enhance the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts. Using advanced implants, fat transfer, or a combination of techniques, this surgery is customized to meet individual goals. Breast augmentation not only restores fullness and […]

Breast Male Breast Surgery

Male Breast Surgery

Male Breast Reduction Surgery (Gynecomastia Correction) Gynecomastia is a condition where boys or men develop enlarged breasts due to hormonal imbalances, excess weight, or certain medications. While not typically a serious medical issue, it can significantly affect self-confidence and emotional well-being. Dr. Aditya offers male breast reduction surgery, a highly effective solution to restore a […]